At Budweiser APAC, we believe in investing in our future leaders today. The Global Management Trainee (GMT) program is an intensive 18-month rotational training program which attracts the brightest, most driven, high-achieving graduates and nurtures their talent by giving relevant experiences right from the beginning of their journey with us.

Our goal is to find people who can take on challenging positions early on in their career and who have the potential to become our future leaders. We achieve this by putting the trainees through an intensive cross functional rotation program before their first role in the company, where they gain insight into every aspect of the business. GMTs have targets from Day one and are expected to deliver results right from the start. They have 360 assessment after each challenge (from manager, coach, buddy, mentor, colleagues) and skill-based testing throughout the program.

Our GMT Program gives you an in-depth look across the entire organization to prepare you for a fast-track career at Budweiser APAC. You'll commence with having opportunities to make an immediate impact on the business and influence key decisions.



Your experience begins with a face-to-face one-week Zone Induction at our APAC Headquarter based in Shanghai, followed by another week of Global Induction in virtual way. During these Inductions, you will be given series of orientation and trainings to our company's dream, people, culture, vision, purpose, strategy and be taken through the overview of business. The Global Capstone week will close off the 10 months of training with an official 'graduation' in our Global Headquarters, where you will get the chance to network with other GMTs from around the world and meet our Global CEO and other senior leaders. GMTs will also be asked to work on projects that will be cascaded globally or in more than one Zone. Additionally, high-performing GMTs across the globe stand a chance to be selected for a short-term assignment in another Zone.


To develop a deep understanding of our business, you will undertake three core challenges by rotating in Supply and Sales functions for 3 to 6 months. The GMTs will need to spend another 1-3 months in Marketing learning about brand building to flex their creative and analytical muscles while completing a 'Build a Brand' project. These rotations will give you an in-depth look across the entire organisation which will set you up for success for your first role in the company. Although the rotation and training are foundational, your first role will give you an opportunity to make a difference, and the rest of your career at Budweiser APAC is where you will have an impact and leave your legacy.


We target to hire high potential recent graduates and develop them into a Partner in an average of about 6-8 years, keeping in mind that the underlying principle at Budweiser APAC is that talents grow at the pace of their own talent, effort, and results. Upon successful completion of the 10-month rotational training program, you will take on an entry-level management role starting from front line positions depending on your profile, interest and performance. After the first role, we expect you to be ready to take on your next challenge in a more senior management role in a functional area of the business. Throughout the process, Budweiser APAC will provide ongoing support, coach and mentoring from our executive teams to equip you with career experiences and exposure to senior leadership required to be successful in your future leadership roles.


We understand high achievers are eager to have opportunities to make real impact on the business right from the beginning. Being a GMT, you will be able to achieve this from Day One. GMTs will have targets right from the start and will be expected to deliver results from the commencement of the program. GMTs will not only be required to learn the basics of our frontline business through the trainings, but also be required to gain valuable field operational experience from roles by participating in the Supply and Sales routines.






















We're on the hunt for the next generation of leaders who are determined to dream big, lead change and ready for the opportunity to create a real-world impact.


To be eligible to apply, you'll have less than two years of full-time work experience and hold (or be studying towards) a Bachelor or Masters (or equivalent) degree in any discipline.


Hear the challenger stories from some of our previous cohort of GMTs

Shannon Zhu

Class 2019 GMT

Eric Ho

Solutions Director, Technology Operations APAC
Class 2012 GMT

Rita Liao

Associate Director, Innovation Planning
Class 2015 GMT

Shruti Pal

Senior Manager, People
Class 2018 GMT

Eric Zhang

Wholesaler Business Development Director
Class 2010 GMT

Shannon Zhu

"I strongly believe that consumer tastes always evolve, and a business needs to keep pace with such tastes. At Budweiser APAC, I see resilient and humble people, who share my belief and are never satisfied with the status quo. Also, my passion for beer and its culture, in no small part, is a key spark for working at an international beer company like Budweiser."

As a graduate from Fudan University, I joined as a Global Management Trainee Program Intern in 2018. Later, I joined Budweiser Logistics Planning team as a 2019 GMT. I am responsible for the implementation of various planning-related projects.

One of the key challenges I faced, was to create a prediction tool to account for the risk of finished goods. Handicapped by a lack of operational and business knowledge, I witnessed humility and resiliency among my colleagues, who joined hands to help me in data preparation, in designing and in improving my domain knowledge. The prediction tool is now in pilot and soon will be scaled out nationally.

I believe that keeping an open-mind and asking for help when in doubt are key aspects that are differentiators when working on any project here.

Eric Ho

"At Budweiser APAC, irrespective of your age, background and work experience, you can be successful – if you are ownership driven and deliver results. This motivates me every day to push myself outside of my comfort zone."

After my Master's in Technology Management from the University of Warwick, I joined Budweiser UK & Ireland in 2012. Later, I moved to the Belgium office and then in 2016 to Shanghai office. Currently, I lead APAC's Technology Operations and am responsible for a team of 50 people.

What I particularly enjoy is our workplace dynamic, thanks to a truly global team from different nationalities and cultures. Given my position of driving technology as a global enabler in our operations, the heavy interaction between global counterparts is particularly amazing.

My personal challenge was when we came together to deliver a Proof-of-Concept for end-to-end traceability for our domestic products. Bringing together the motivations and requirements of all parties on the same page - from sales and supply chain, to procurement and legal was only possible because of an in-depth understanding of how the company operates.

A successful proof-of-concept not only validated our initial hypothesis but also validated my personal hypothesis on how 'ownership drives success' at Budweiser APAC.

Rita Liao

"Be resilient, believe in people and take ownership for ensuring results – that's the magic mantra to succeed at Budweiser APAC."

5 years ago, I joined Budweiser APAC as a GMT. During these 5 years, I have worked in diverse locations such as Xiamen, Suqian and Mexico City. Now, I'm working in the logistics team as an Associate Director in the Logistics team in Shanghai.

In the spring of 2018, I took on the challenging role within Budweiser APAC of being a Logistics Manager for one of our mid-sized breweries. In this role, I had to lead a 100-people team with individuals on an average 5 years older than I was, manage 2 production lines and a significant budget.

With near zero experience in either production or team management, I relied on the support of our headquarters and excellent colleagues. Faced with a disturbing outcome that Budweiser APAC could lose sales during the summer peak seasons if we didn't improve production efficiency, we were under immense pressure.

However, fortunately, this story has a happy ending. We improved the production line efficiency by 8% in the first three months of embarking on this project and delivered the highest monthly sales volume ever since the brewery was established. As I left, the production line efficiency improved by 22% and I can say with pride that my leadership, business insights and problem-solving skills improved as well.

Shruti Pal

"The high stakes, the fast pace - It keeps me up and going. Every day brings along new opportunities and new challenges and we grow at a pace of our own talent here."

As a 2018 Global Management Trainee (GMT) from Australia, I have been exposed to many opportunities at a relatively early stage of my career, for example, when I was selected to move from Australia to work at our largest zone HQ in Shanghai, China. Amidst this huge cultural shift, I was fortunate to make a 'soft landing' with support from colleagues and managers within Budweiser APAC, some of whom have themselves navigated such moves.

When I look back at my impact in the GMT program, I particularly feel proud of my contribution to Beverage Analytics - a platform to track point of sale of draught beer in real time across venues. We were set with an intimidating target catalysing the adoption, scaling up and execution of Beverage Analytics within three months in the Australian market. We started off by talking to our customers and then revisited each step to become aware of the existing points of friction.

We went back to the drawing board and collaborated across diverse teams such as QA/QC, our salesforce and other stakeholders to deliver a revamped frictionless customer on-boarding journey.

Not only did we achieve our initial target of '400' unique POCs (venue adoptions) for Beverage Analytics, we set up effective project management rhythms to continue this beyond the initial setup. In this project, I witnessed true 'cross-team collaboration' and an undisputed 'customer centric focus', both qualities that everyday vindicate my choice to work at Budweiser APAC.

Eric Zhang

"From a fresh graduate to a senior sales leader, I am still happy with my choice after 10 years to work with Budweiser APAC."

On completing my 2010 GMT training after graduating from Xiamen University with a master's degree, I started in the role of a Sales Representative, gradually growing into Sales Supervisor, Sales Manager, BU RTM Director, Sales director and currently China Wholesaler Business Development & Battlefields Strategy Director throughout having approaching a career of my dreams step by step.

Front-line Sales experience and Sales fundamentals not only nurtured my whole career in the past 10 years, but also helped me especially in situations where I encountered super complex and difficult business challenges.

For sure, front line sales life is not easy, but that is what makes a real challenger. My experience has taught me that fighting along with the team in overcoming challenges always involves give and take. One of my most precious assets in my career so far was leading a problem market with five years of sales decline, and to turning it around and achieving national Sales Director ranking No. 1 for 2 years in-a-run.

With Budweiser APAC, we foresee infinite possibilities. I believe we can grow even faster in terms of both business and career? Challenge accepted!